GateHouse Media
June 29, 2018
When U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy announced
his retirement there was a mix of nostalgia, dismay and alarm. Kennedy is
81-years-old and has been a judge for 43 years — 30 on the Supreme Court. It
would be a bit disingenuous to suggest his announcement was a shock.
My law career began the year Kennedy was confirmed. He came
as an afterthought to the beleaguered conservative Robert Bork. President
Ronald Reagan nominated Bork to the Supreme Court, but he failed to be
confirmed following a raucous and bitter battle in the U.S. Senate.
Kennedy’s record on the Supreme Court has demonstrated that
the struggle to keep Robert Bork off the court was worth the effort. Kennedy
has been a moderate voice on the court during some turbulent times, thus the
dismay at his departure.
The alarm is for good reason. President Donald Trump will
have the opportunity to nominate his second Supreme Court justice. With the
court evenly divided and the voice of moderation leaving, President Trump can
use his acknowledged litmus test for a new justice — overrule Roe v. Wade.
Although America is facing uncertain times it is worthwhile
to reflect on the impact that Kennedy has had on American jurisprudence.
Certainly, there are his swing votes on same-sex marriage, gun control and
campaign finance, but I believe Kennedy’s most impactful decisions grew out of
the criminal justice system.
In 2005, in a case known as Roper v. Simmons, Kennedy was
the deciding vote in abolishing the death penalty for juvenile offenders.
Kennedy wrote the majority opinion and went beyond merely writing that imposing
the death penalty on juveniles was cruel and unusual punishment.
Kennedy wrote in Roper that juveniles are cognitively
immature and therefore less culpable. The brain development argument sent the
issue of juvenile punishment in a whole new direction.
The juvenile criminal court system is distinctly different
from the adult criminal court system. Adult court is about retribution and
incapacitation. The juvenile system is not punitive. The focus has always been
on rehabilitation and is oriented toward the treatment of young offenders.
Kennedy wrote in Roper, “It is difficult even for expert
psychologists to differentiate between the juvenile offender whose crime
reflects unfortunate yet transient immaturity, and the rare juvenile offender
whose crime reflects irreparable corruption.”
When Roper was argued, death penalty opponents floated the
idea that life without parole was an appropriate alternative to the death
penalty. However, Kennedy’s brain development argument lends itself to arguing
that life without parole is inappropriate for any juvenile offender regardless
of offense.
In 2010, Kennedy was once again the swing-vote in a 5-4
decision out of Florida banning life in prison for juveniles convicted of
non-homicide offenses. In Roper, Kennedy wrote that juveniles have a “lack of
maturity and an underdeveloped sense of responsibility”; they “are more vulnerable
or susceptible to negative influences and outside pressures, including peer
In the Florida case, Kennedy wrote, “No recent data provide
reason to reconsider the Court’s observations in Roper about the nature of
juveniles. ... developments in psychology and brain science continue to show
fundamental differences between juvenile and adult minds.”
In 2012, the high court took Kennedy’s reasoning a step
further. The court ruled that a mandatory sentence of life in prison without
the possibility of parole imposed upon a juvenile violated the Eighth
Amendment. Kennedy’s legacy lies in infusing dignity into the criminal justice
system as it relates to juveniles. Thirteen years before Kennedy’s opinion in
Roper the Supreme Court had upheld the execution of juveniles 16 years of age
and older.
Today, 13 years after Roper — chiefly through the reasoning
of Justice Kennedy — teenagers are no longer subject to the death penalty, they
are much less likely to face life in prison and now, more than ever, their age
and mental acuity are factors to consider at the time of sentencing.
Matthew T. Mangino is of counsel with Luxenberg, Garbett, Kelly & George P.C. His book The Executioner’s Toll, 2010 was released by McFarland Publishing. You can reach him at and follow him on Twitter @MatthewTMangino.
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