Matthew T. Mangino
GateHouse Media
October 21, 2016
Recently, Georgia executed Gregory Lawler. When he
was pronounced dead at 11:49 p.m. on Oct. 19, he was the 17th person executed
in the United States this year. Texas and Georgia are responsible for 14 of
those executions.
By year’s end, 2016 will have the fewest number of
executions in a quarter century. Public support for the death penalty is at its
lowest point since the U.S. Supreme Court suspended capital punishment in 1972.
A Pew Research poll published last month revealed that only 49 percent of
Americans now favor execution as an appropriate form of punishment.
The death penalty is largely symbolic. Most states
that have the death penalty don’t execute those condemned. A handful of states
carry out executions and a very small minority do so on a regular basis.
Lincoln Caplan recently wrote about the decline of
the death penalty in Harvard Magazine. Citing the various works of professors
Jordan and Carol Steiker, including the siblings’ recent book “Courting Death:
The Supreme Court and Capital Punishment,” Caplan explains the difference
between symbolic states and executing states.
Pennsylvania is a symbolic state: It has executed
only three people since 1976, and each was a volunteer — they chose not to
continue their appeals. On the other hand, Texas is an executing state.
Officials there have executed 537 people since 1976.
But, ironically, the rate of death-sentencing in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is higher than in Harris County, Texas, which has
had more defendants executed than any other county in the country.
Caplan further writes that 8,124 people had been
sentenced to death between 1977 and 2013. Only 17 percent of those condemned
were executed. Six percent died by causes other than execution and 40 percent
received other dispositions, including reversals of their convictions. The rest
— 37 percent — were in prison. In California in 2014, a federal judge found
that, of the 748 inmates then on death row, more than 40 percent had been there
for more than 20 years.
In fact, Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer
wrote a 2015 dissent — joined by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — in Glossip v.
Gross that it was “highly likely that the death penalty violates the
Amendment,” the constitutional ban against cruel and unusual punishment.
The stage has been set for a dramatic confrontation
with state-sponsored death. Capital punishment will be tested on Election Day
in three states. The outcomes of those ballot measures will no doubt have an
impact on the future of the death penalty.
In Nebraska, the issue pits the Republican governor
against a bipartisan majority in the legislature. A coalition of lawmakers last
year repealed the death penalty with the rallying cry of cost and the claim
that the death penalty is not a deterrent. The governor is now strongly
supporting a ballot measure where voters will be asked to reinstate capital
In Oklahoma, ardent supporters of the death penalty
hope to protect it through a ballot initiative. The state has a long history of
capital punishment and not all of it positive. The state has had several highly
publicized botched executions and Justice Breyer’s stunning dissent came in an
Oklahoma case.
Oklahoma has not carried out an execution in 2016,
and last fall 52 percent of Oklahomans said in a News 9 poll that they support
life-without-parole as an alternative to execution. State Ballot Question 776
appears to be the effort of legislators to prevent what happened in Nebraska
from happening in Oklahoma.
Finally, California voters will face two competing
initiatives on Election Day. Proponents of Proposition 62 say the state has
spent $5 billion maintaining the legal and physical apparatus of capital
punishment while executing only 13 people in 38 years.
Advocates for Proposition 66 want to “mend, not end”
capital punishment by changing appellate rules to expedite capital cases,
reduce the costs of the death penalty and the size of death row.
To paraphrase a famous English statesman, this may
not be the end of the death penalty — may be the beginning of the end — but
surely the end of the inevitability of the death penalty.
Matthew T. Mangino is of counsel with Luxenberg,
Garbett, Kelly & George P.C. His book, “The Executioner’s Toll, 2010,” was
recently released by McFarland Publishing. You can reach him and
follow him on Twitter at @MatthewTMangino.