“Inside a school building, a school has to be a sanctuary.
It has to be a place of learning,” Weingarten said. “What else are we going to
do? Are we now going to start wearing bulletproof vests for everybody?”
Greg Sargent of the Washington Post wrote, others have pointed
out other problems with the idea, such as the possibility that teachers
might leave their guns in unlocked desk drawers, and that schools would have
the extra burden of ensuring that teachers are safe to carry guns. Then there’s
the possibility that police might show up and find an even more confused,
chaotic scene. Education groups strongly oppose the idea, and according
to Politico, even some school boards in places where it has been legalized
have opposed it.
Republicans such as Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) also oppose it.
“The notion that my kids are going to school with teachers that are armed with
a weapon is not something that, quite frankly, I’m comfortable with,” he said at
this week’s CNN town hall on gun violence.
None of this is going to happen. But what’s also troubling
about the idea is that it appears deliberately intended to both play on
people’s disillusionment with our failure to slow the violence and to further
entrench that disillusionment. It’s no accident, as
James Hohmann points out, that NRA leader Wayne La Pierre and Trump both
used the same language after the shooting — both employed some variation of the
idea that we must “harden” our schools.
This is all about manipulating people’s fear for their
children’s safety — something that stirs deep terror in all of us. The idea is
to basically get us to capitulate: Politicians haven’t protected our children,
so forget about pressuring them to get serious about thinking about how to
meaningfully regulate guns in the public interest — and instead embrace more
guns as the solution. Embrace the arms race. Unfortunately, on large swaths of
Americans, it may be working.
To read more CLICK HERE
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