My gun-owning family — admittedly more my husband than me —
falls into that middle ground. He chose to drop his NRA affiliation and his
favored gun range when its mandatory NRA membership tipped from practical tips
into political advocacy.
Apparently, he is not alone.
The National Rifle Association of America reported $98
million in contributions in 2017, down from nearly $125 million in 2016, according
to The Daily Beast, even though it has in President Donald Trump a champion
it helped elect. The NRA’s more than $128 million in dues last year was a drop
from the $163 million it took in the year before, the report said.
On their own, states, such
as Connecticut, where Sandy Hook shook residents, have
enacted some form of stricter gun regulations since then, more than
200 gun-safety laws across the country.
When churches and synagogues now have to worry about
security as well as saving souls, politicians and a weary public confronted
with weekly instances of gun violence that flash into the headlines before
making way for the next tragedy might be more willing to find a different
solution, in which the NRA plays a part but is not in charge.
To read more CLICK HERE
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