Trump’s harangue differed from all of these in its scorn and
sheer demagoguery. He made no effort — if he were even capable of doing so
— to challenge the court’s legal reasoning. His Willie-Horton
style argument was rather that the court’s application of the
law was making the country less safe.
The only even remote analogue to Trump’s assault on the
independent judiciary was Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1937 court-packing
plan to enlarge the court and add justices sympathetic to his
policies. FDR offered arguments on the merits, but he also played a bit
dirty, telling the country in a fireside chat that
the courts “have cast doubts on the ability of the elected Congress to protect
us against catastrophe by meeting squarely our modern social and economic
It was a mistake that cost Roosevelt. The court-packing
plan failed to win public
support, and it retarded
his efforts to enact the ambitious series of laws that brought the
country out of the Great Depression.
If history is any guide, Trump’s attacks will backfire and
hurt him politically. Unfortunately, as has so often seemed the case over
the past two years, history is not any guide. Trump's sole political lookout is
his roughly 43 percent base. From
that standpoint, the contempt of the majority is a political
plus stoking the same fires that got him elected. And his
nose-thumbing at legal and cultural elites — and they don’t come more
elite than the chief justice of the United States — similarly tends to
delight the only voters he cares about.
Moreover, Trump needn’t worry that Roberts will continue to
engage with him. Roberts would never stoop to carrying out a personal
battle with the president, which would be bad for public confidence in the
court and demeaning to him personally.
But hasn’t Trump made it more likely that the court will
rule against him if some landmark case involving his presidency and even his
liberty comes before it? In a word, no. Roberts has too much integrity to
permit Trump’s imbecility to affect his legal judgment.
On the other hand, that same integrity bodes ill for Trump
if his fortunes are one day put in the court’s hands — for example in a
legal battle over a subpoena for the president’s testimony. The court is
likely to bring Trump to heel (and, I would predict, in an opinion authored by
Roberts and joined by Justice Brett Kavanaugh).
That is not because of its personal distaste for
this president, but because Trump’s general claim to be above the law is
constitutionally offensive and untenable. Should the court one day make that
clear, its mandate will prove the ultimate test of Trump’s contempt for the
rule of law.
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