Sunday, April 3, 2016 rated one of the top fifty criminal justice blogs in America

Top 50 Criminal Law Blogs
Criminal Justice Degree Schools have organized the best criminal law blogs on the Internet and ordered them based on popularity according to third party sources.* These blogs provide excellent commentary and insights into criminal law from the point of view of prosecutors, defense lawyers, and professors. You can also follow these blog authors on Twitter to stay up to date on the latest news in criminal law.

RankBlogPage AuthorityLinking SitesMoz RankPage RankDomain RankTwitter Name
1Sentencing Law and Policy741,0485.73660@SLandP
2White Collar Crime Prof Blog802265.61666@whitecollarprof
3CrimProf Blog781435.29666
4Lawrence Taylor’s DUI Blog544185.86654@taylorduilaw
5The Federal Criminal Appeals Blog557475.25450
6A Public Defender543565.56555
7Defending People574505.70455@MarkWBennett
8Crim Law581205.28656
9Crime & Consequences522715.24553
10The Wrongful Convictions Blog492365.23551@WrongConvBlog
11Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog451505.99547@guntrustlawyer
12Pardon Power511325.03553@PardonPower
13Gamso – For the Defense551085.37456
15Koehler Law461325.38451@jamisonkoehler
16Life at the Harris County Criminal Justice Center50605.14451
17The Defense Rests50895.04449@PaulBKennedy
18Crime in the Suites45764.97453
19Probable Cause411215.33448@RickHorowitz
20Tempe Criminal Defense43585.30446@mattbrownaz
21Life Sentences Blog41284.77455@MichaelOHear
22Not Guilty40355.32446@mirriam71
23Birmingham Criminal Defense Blog40844.81448@lawyerinalabama
25Minnesota DWI Defense411044.77445@ChuckRamsay
26Idaho Criminal Defense Blog41814.63355
27Nashville Criminal Law Report40754.82443@robmckinney
28Pennsylvania DUI Blog40835.28348@JustinMcShane
29Prosecutor’s Discretion45134.92439@ProsDiscretion
30Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog40525.40346@AltmanandAltman
31New York Criminal Defense Attorney Blog35125.06445@msiesel
32Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog41814.94348@RobertSGuest
33California Criminal Lawyer Blog38454.46446
34DUI News Blog32404.66446
35Matt Mangino38673.91445@MatthewTMangino

*The order of this list of top criminal law blogs was determined based on website metrics including Page Authority, number of websites linking to the blog, MozRank, Google PageRank, and Domain Rank. The data is taken from third party sources including, Google, and

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