In thirty-one American states, those convicted of especially
heinous crimes can still face the death penalty, but it is getting harder to
carry out the sentence, reported The Economist. Practicing states generally prefer to execute convicts
by lethal injection—using one or several drugs to ensure a “humane” end to
life. Drug manufacturers, however, would prefer their products not be used in
judicial killing.
In 2011 Hospira, the sole US manufacturer of sodium
thiopental (a barbiturate anaesthetic used almost universally by
states for lethal injections) ceased production to prevent its use in
executions. So began a series of efforts on the part of state governments to
find alternative sources or new drugs before their supplies became exhausted.
Several states have attempted to obtain drugs from abroad; in 2015, shipments
to Nebraska, Arizona, and Texas were intercepted by the FDA, which maintains
the imports are illegal. Other states have turned to compounding pharmacies:
chemists who tailor-make drugs to fit individual patient's needs, but whose
concoctions are not as consistent as manufactured drugs. Sixteen states have
made it illegal to reveal the source of their drugs (to protect suppliers,
among other reasons). The shortages are even encouraging some states to
consider older, largely obsolete execution methods such as electrocution, the
gas chamber, and firing squad as a backup. Utah passed the use of the latter
back into law in 2015, having abolished it in 2004.
Virginia is the latest state to wrestle with the issue. On March 28th its legislature passed a law
allowing executions to proceed using the electric chair in the event of a drug
shortage. . For those
enforcing capital punishment, the search for a practical killing method
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