Tuesday, January 4, 2022

St. Louis bucks the gun violence trend

 Homicides as a result of gun violence have remained consistently high across the U.S. in 2021, after a steep increase last year during the first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, reported TIME.

Broadly, the year-on-year increase in 2021 is not as large as that in 2020 compared to 2019. But many major cities have in fact have seen even higher numbers: As of Dec. 29, there have been over 550 homicides in Philadelphia this year, which broke the 1990 record of 503; in Indianapolis, over 250 people have been killed, more fatalities than the highest previous toll 0f 215 (which was recorded in 2020). In Washington D.C. over 200 murders were recorded for the first time since 2003. 

One city in particular, however, has experienced an opposite trend.

St. Louis, which in 2020 had its highest murder rate in 50 years, has recorded 190 homicides as of Dec. 29, which is 73 less than the 263 the year prior. And it’s not just that the numbers are lower compared to the tumultuous period of 2020, they’re lower than some pre-pandemic years as well. In 2019 the city saw 194 homicides and 205 in 2017. (The city’s population has remained statistically consistent over the years).

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