The Crime Report
July 6, 2021
What can the criminal justice system learn from the COVID-19 pandemic?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has
begun to relax health guidelines. In fact, some states have “fully reopened.”
Even as President Joe Biden has acknowledged that his July 4
goal of vaccinating 70 percent of Americans will fall short, many other states
are planning for a return to normalcy.
The RAND Corporation created a COVID-19 model to analyze
what could happen with coronavirus deaths in the United States if the
restrictions—capacity limits on businesses, closed schools, mask mandates—all
go away on July 4.
Based on RAND’s model, fully reopening an economy before the
target is met would
double the average number of COVID-19 deaths between Independence Day
and the end of the year.
We know from history that relaxing in the face of a pandemic
is deadly.
Pittsburgh’s experience during the 1918 Spanish flu offers
some insight.
According to Eric
Jaffe’s Blog, Sidewalk Talk:
Motivated largely by political factors and local business
interests, Pittsburgh leaders pushed for an end to its gathering ban before the
state health department believed it was safe to do so. As a result Pittsburgh
suffered a devastating second wave of the Spanish flu. The city ended with “the
worst rate of ‘excess’ deaths among American cities: 807 per 100,000 people.
Will policymakers make the same mistake dealing with
violence as their predecessors had with pandemic disease—prematurely abandoning
what works?
In 2019, crime rates were at historic lows. Then came the
call to “defund the police; empty the jails; abolish the death penalty; and
generally be less punitive.”
The bigger concern is not treating gun violence in this
country as a public health crisis and doing the necessary research to find out
what works and what doesn’t.
Megan L. Ranney, MD MPH, an emergency physician and
Associate Dean of Strategy and Innovation at the Brown University School of
Public Health wrote in
TIME this spring: “We must meet this challenge [gun violence] by approaching
firearm injury as a public health epidemic, rather than a debate about gun
rights or control.”
The nation is now in the midst of a historically large
increase in murder.
According to The
Intercept, the largest recorded one-year rise in murders in U.S.
history was a 12.7 percent increase in 1968. Last year, data from law
enforcement agencies released by the FBI, running through September, shows
murders up 21 percent nationally.
to The Atlantic, at the beginning of the 21st century, homicide began
a substantial decline resulting in a 42 percent drop nationwide, as compared to
the mid-1980s. For instance, murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City
alone. Crime rates continued to fall, making America’s streets the safest they
had been since crime rates were first recorded.
The ‘Era of Lawfulness’
What was astonishing about this era of “lawfulness” was that
no one could pinpoint why it was happening. The theories were endless—more
police on the streets; the demise of crack cocaine; increased incarceration;
abortion; the eradication of lead-based products; and the fortification of
American homes.
However, there’s no real consensus among scholars about what
caused crime rates to plummet.
How can that be?
For one thing, in 1996, the Dickey
Amendment was passed. The amendment, introduced by then-Rep. Jay
Dickey (R-Ark), required that “none of the funds made available for injury
prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
may be used to advocate or promote gun control.”
According to Dr. Ranney:
[G]overnment-funded research on the public health approach
to firearm injury prevention has been 50-100 times smaller by dollars spent
than for diseases and injuries that kill a similar number of people. And that
means that we have had no reliable data on gun injuries, and minimal data on
If we don’t know why violent crime fell, how will we ever
figure out why it’s climbing— and climbing fast?
Robert Boyce, the retired chief of detectives for the New
York Police Department, told
The Atlantic, the yearlong push to reform, defund and, in some instances,
abolish the police in the wake of George Floyd’s killing has cast a cloud over
the nation’s police departments.
Some criminologists suggest the spike in violence is due to
the hesitancy among residents to turn to the police for help. Others suggest
that the police, fed up with the negative feedback form the public and the
media, have begun to drag their feet, slowing the process of responding and
investigating crime.
“When police legitimacy is greatly reduced, you get more
crime because people are no longer relying on the criminal justice system for
assistance,” Richard Rosenfeld, a criminologist at the University of
Missouri-St. Louis, told The New
York Times.
“People are less willing to cooperate with police in
investigations, less willing to report crimes or other problems to the police,
and more willing to take matters into their own hands.”
Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo said recently
on CBS’s Face the Nation, “I am very sad to say that this summer is going
to be a long summer for the American people.”
We may not be able to do much about this summer, but we can start by acknowledging gun violence as a public health crisis.
This year, after more than three decades, resources are
returning to the CDC for the study of gun-related violence.
For the last 18 months Americans have been admonished to
follow the science. That’s apt advice for the criminal justice system as well.
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