Tuesday, November 24, 2020

SCOTUS to hear two police misconduct cases

The U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari for two cases focusing on alleged police misconduct, Caniglia v. Strom and United States v. Cooley, reported Jurist.

The Court will be focusing on issues with Fourth Amendment rights against unlawful search and seizure in Caniglia v. Strom, which arose after Rhode Island police confiscated Caniglia’s guns without a warrant while performing community caretaking duties. 

United States v. Cooley centers on whether a tribal police officer has the authority to detain and search a non-Native American on a public right-of-way for violations of state or federal law that were not apparent or obvious. This case comes after an officer of the Crow Tribe arrested Cooley in Montana in 2016 for illegal possession of drugs and guns.

Caniglia v. Strom and United States v. Cooley are expected to be argued in early 2021.

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