Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Arizona Execution Still on Track

Today’s scheduled execution, in Arizona, of convicted of murderer Donald Beaty is still on track. On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal Beaty's attorneys had filed in March.

Beaty was sentenced to death after being convicted in the murder of a 13-year-old newspaper carrier, Christy Ann Fornoff of Tempe.

Beaty still has another appeal before the high court. It claims he had ineffective counsel early in his long legal battle. His lawyers also are asking the state Supreme Court to withdraw his death warrant because justices of the state high court recently toured death row and met with prison officials to discuss execution scheduling and protocols, according to KOLD-TV.

Arizona will use the drug pentobarbital in place of sodium thiopental as part of the three durg lethal injection protocol. Arizona joins Oklahoma, Ohio, Mississippi and Texas among other states to change its lethal injection protocol.

Beaty would be the 19th killer executed in 2011. Executions are running a bit behind last year's pace of 46 executions nationwide.

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