Thursday, October 10, 2024

Florida Governor DeSantis tries to strong arm political opponents

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R) administration is reportedly trying to intimidate television stations into taking down advertisements put out by supporters of Amendment 4 — a proposal on the ballot in Florida this fall that seeks to codify abortion access into the Sunshine State constitution, where abortion is banned after six weeks, reported Talking Points Memo.

On Oct. 3, DeSantis’ Department of Health sent a letter to at least one local NBC affiliate, WFLA-TV, suggesting they could face criminal charges for airing ads that encourage voters to support Amendment 4.

The letter, first reported by Florida investigative journalist Jason Garcia, claims that such ads violate Florida’s “sanitary nuisance” law and suggests that stations may be committing a misdemeanor offense by airing them.

Floridians Protecting Freedom, the group sponsoring Amendment 4, responded to the Health Department’s letter with one of their own, addressed to the local news station.

“The Department cannot criminalize media outlets running political advertisements with which it disagrees,” they wrote in the letter they shared with TPM. “Such advertisements are not a ‘sanitary nuisance.’ They do not expose the stations running the advertisements to criminal sanction. Speech criticizing the government in the context of a political campaign is the lifeblood of democracy and lies at the very heart of the First Amendment’s protections. The Department’s letter is a flagrant abuse of power and must be rejected.”

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