“This is truly a blessing, to be able to get out on
something like this, when you get overlooked so often,” said Ms. Faircloth, who
plans to return to Willow, Okla., and hopes to attend college and score a job
at a Hobby Lobby store.
As she and the other prisoners left the Dr. Eddie Warrior
Correctional Center, they embraced relatives, some of whom they had not seen in
months or years. Camera crews crowded around, recording a scene that would have
been unfathomable in the state just a few years ago.
For more than a decade, legislators in several states have sought to send fewer
nonviolent, low-level offenders to prison, in an effort to save money on incarceration
and reserve resources for going after more serious criminals. Those efforts
have occurred in states led by both Democrats and Republicans, including
neighboring Texas.
But change has been slower to come to Oklahoma, which continues to vie with Louisiana for the
highest per-capita imprisonment rate in the country.
Voters forced the hand of Oklahoma lawmakers in 2016 when,
by a wide margin, they approved a plan to shrink prison rolls by downgrading
many felonies to misdemeanors, including simple drug possession and minor
property crimes.
The Legislature then approved a measure this year making that law
retroactive and allowing the state’s pardon and parole board to more quickly
review the sentences of many inmates whose crimes would no longer be considered
felonies if they were charged today.
On Friday, the pardon and parole board recommended immediately
commuting the sentences of 527 prisoners under that law, or about 2 percent of the state’s prison population of
just under 26,000 inmates.
The governor, Kevin Stitt, ordered the commutations, and all
but 65 of the 527 inmates walked out of prison on Monday; the remainder were
being detained because of issues with their immigration status or because they
face charges in other states, according to Oklahoma officials.
In addition to releasing the inmates sooner than expected,
the state is taking other steps favored by criminal justice reform advocates to
help the newly released prisoners with re-entry into society. Those include
ensuring that inmates are released with a state-issued driver’s license or
identification card, which are crucial for securing jobs, housing and other
State officials said the prisoners being released had on
average spent three years incarcerated, and were being let out an average of
1.34 years early. About three out of four are men. Officials also estimated
that the release would save about $12 million in incarceration costs.
To read more CLICK HERE
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