An Alabama sheriff who is paid $93,000 a year was able to
pocket more than $750,000 from excess money in an inmate food fund over a
three-year period, thanks to a state law passed before World War II, reported the ABA Journal.
Sheriff Todd Entrekin of Etowah County revealed the
compensation on ethics disclosure forms filed with the state, reports.
He relied on a state law that says sheriffs may “keep and retain” leftover
prisoner meal money; many sheriffs in the state have interpreted the law to
allow them to personally keep leftover funds rather than turn the money over to
the county.
Entrekin and his wife own properties, separately or
together, that have an assessed value of more than $1.7 million, according to Their latest purchase, made in September, was a home in an upscale
neighborhood in Orange Beach, Alabama, for $740,000.
Two civil rights groups sued
49 Alabama sheriffs in January in an effort to learn whether they
personally pocketed leftover inmate meal money. The suit says that keeping meal
money for personal use creates a perverse incentive to spend as little as
possible on the feeding the inmates.
One person who questioned the quality of inmate meals was a
landscaper, 20-year-old Matt Qualls, who told last month that Entrekin paid him to mow his lawn for several
months in 2015 using a check labeled “Sheriff Todd Entrekin Food Provision
“A couple people I knew came through the jail, and they say
they got meat maybe once a month and every other day it was just beans and
vegetables. I put two and two together and realized that that money could have
gone toward some meat,” Qualls told
Qualls was arrested four days after the story was published,
based on an anonymous tip about a marijuana smell coming from an
apartment, reported.
Officers from the Rainbow City Police Department and the Etowah County Drug
Enforcement Unit made the arrest. Rainbow City charged Qualls with marijuana
possession, while Etowah County charged Qualls with felony trafficking based on
the weight of marijuana-infused butter found in the apartment.
Qualls accepted a plea deal that lowered the trafficking
charge to first-degree marijuana possession, reported.
The charge will be dismissed if he successfully completes a drug court program.
Entrekin’s election opponent, Rainbow City Police Chief
Jonathon Horton, has pledged to use any excess inmate food funds for things
that will benefit taxpayers. “There’s been a tremendous amount of money left
over that shouldn’t be used as a bonus check,” he told
Entrekin told in an email that the jail uses a
registered dietitian to ensure adequate meals are provided for jail inmates.
“As you should be aware, Alabama law is clear as to my personal financial
responsibilities in the feeding of inmates,” he wrote. “Regardless of one’s
opinion of this statute, until the legislature acts otherwise, the sheriff must
follow the current law.”
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