Only two U.S. states still allow juries to convict
defendants in non-capital cases without a unanimous decision—but Louisiana
reformers are hoping to drop that number to one, wrote Katti Gray at The Crime Report.
Legal reform advocates in that state have joined the local
bar association in pushing legislators to require unanimous jury verdicts for
most felony convictions. A victory in their campaign will leave Oregon as
the only holdout allowing non-unanimous verdicts in felony cases, except those
in which the convicted person could face the death penalty.
Even though the outcome remains uncertain, the debate
over non-unanimous juries in Louisiana has thrown new light on long-ignored
issues relating to race and criminal justice.
The reformers, including the Louisiana branches of the American
Civil Liberties Union and the Innocence
Project, argue that state lawmakers must act because the state’s
courts have refused to consider changing a practice that was instituted in
1898, when the largely white legislature voted to amend the state constitution
to allow 9-to-3 jury votes for felony convictions.
In the 1970s, the allowed majority was changed to 10.
Today’s critics of that constitutional amendment, including
Angela Bell, a
Southern University Law Center professor whose research on
non-unanimous juries was published last year in the Mercer
Law Review, say those white legislators mainly were aiming to re-subjugate
formerly enslaved blacks., and to supply assorted white-run industries with
free labor from a prison population that long has been overwhelmingly black.
After the Civil War, Louisiana was among southern states
relying on “convict
leasing,” paying state prisons for convicted persons to labor on
plantations and for privately owned business.
“These plantation owners thought to themselves, ‘now that we
can lease convicts, we need to get the convicts,’” Bell said. “Things
that were minor infractions became major sentences …
“That’s the scandal, systemically. All of this was born from
bad intention. If you understand this law, then you understand why Louisiana is
the forerunner in mass incarceration.”
“Sir William
Blackstone called the jury a sacred bulwark of liberty,” he told The
Crime Report. “This was such a precious thing. Unanimity is the core of it …
It’s the unanimity of the jury that serves the rights of mankind.”
That Louisiana and Oregon are outliers on that front owes to
racial and religious bias, author Thomas Aiello wrote in “Jim
Crow’s Last Stand: Nonunanimous Criminal Jury Verdicts in Louisiana,” published
in 2015.
In Louisiana, blacks were targets of non-unanimous jury
proponents. In Oregon—where felony defendants can be convicted by a vote of
11-to-1—Jews were the targets, contends Aiello, a history and African American
studies professor at Valdosta State University in Georgia.
In Oregon, the Office of Public Defenders has publicly
voiced its opposition to non-unanimous juries. But no campaign as widespread as
Louisiana’s exists in that state.
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