According to the Harrisburg Patriot-News the Penn State sex abuse scandal is far from over with the sentencing of Jerry Sandusky to 30-60 years in state prison.
Still to come:
•In January, Athletic Director-on-leave Tim Curley and retired Senior Vice President for Business and Finance Gary Schultz are scheduled to stand trial in Dauphin County court on charges that they lied to the statewide grand jury investigating Sandusky.
•Mike McQueary, the former assistant football coach who has testified that he saw Sandusky in a shower sexually assaulting a boy in 2001, is suing Penn State for $4 million, saying he was essentially fired for truthfully testifying about how he told his superiors about the incident. He claims that instead of protecting him as a whistleblower, the university used him as a scapegoat.
•Victim 1, who was a Clinton County high school student when Sandusky abused him, also has sued Penn State. He has a book scheduled for release this month. Other victims are expected to sue the university. Penn State has said it wants to settle with the victims.
•State House Democrats are trying to force a vote on a resolution to urge the U.S. attorney general’s office to investigate the handling of the Sandusky investigation.
•If elected, Democratic state attorney general candidate Kathleen Kane is promising a review of the Sandusky investigation to determine whether politics played a role in why it went on for three years before charges were filed in 2011. Some have questioned whether Gov. Tom Corbett, a Republican, managed the investigation while serving as attorney general in such a way as to not interfere with his gubernatorial campaign in 2010.
The fallout from the Penn State sex abuse scandal will take years to sort out.
According to the Patriot-News, Curley and Schultz are scheduled to stand trial on single counts of perjury and failure to report child abuse.
If convicted, they could face prison sentences. Attorneys for Curley and Schultz declined comment for this story, but other sources familiar with some aspects of that case said they were not aware of any serious plea negotiations to date.
Meanwhile, state and federal investigators are continuing to explore other aspects of the Sandusky scandal, including whether other top university leaders might have lied during the state investigation or been involved in attempts to conceal evidence.
Asked about that a spokesperson for Attorney General Linda Kelly’s office, said only that “we have an ongoing investigation which we’re not going to discuss.”
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Murder Most Rare: The Anna Mae Blessing Case
23 hours ago
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