GateHouse Media
January 17, 2020
There is a scene in the American film classic “Judgment at
Nuremberg” where defense attorney Hans Rolfe, played by Maximilian
Schell, is cross-examining a Nazi judge about the Nazi sterilization of
undesirable women. Schell cites a case where the high court of another country
authorized the sterilization of a “feeble-minded” woman who was the daughter of
a “feeble-minded” mother. The court opinion concluded, “Three generations of
imbeciles are enough.”
Schell dramatically concluded his cross-examination by
revealing that the author of the opinion was the vaunted American jurist Oliver
Wendell Holmes. “Judgement at Nuremberg” was a fictional account of the war
crime trials of German judges. However, Justice Holmes’ opinion in Buck v. Bell
- which upheld the sterilization of women in the state of Virginia - was indeed
cited in Nuremberg.
During the trial of German SS Officer Otto Hofmann, his
defense cited Buck v. Bell as proof that a so-called enlightened country like
the U.S. was also involved in the “science” of human improvement through
controlled breeding. In the U.S. we called it eugenics, in Nazi Germany it was
referred to as creating the master race.
Carrie Buck was born and raised in Charlottesville,
Virginia. She became pregnant at age 16. Her foster parents had her
institutionalized as a “feeble-minded moral delinquent,” despite her claims
that she had been assaulted by their nephew.
When she gave birth, her child was adopted by her foster
parents. Buck was sent to the Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and
Feeble-minded in Lynchburg. Buck’s mother was already a resident there.
Just prior to Buck’s commitment, Virginia enacted a new law
authorizing sterilization of, among others, the feeble-minded and the socially
inadequate. With three generations available for examination, the colony set out
to prove that the Buck women were defective. They sought to have Carrie Buck
sterilized under the new law.
The Supreme Court supported Buck’s sterilization by a vote
of 8 to 1. Holmes’ 1927 opinion is remembered as containing some of the most
infamous language ever delivered by the high court.
According to the USA TODAY, Carrie Buck was the first victim
of the 1924 sterilization law. As a result, about 8,300 Virginians were
involuntarily sterilized. The law was repealed in 1974, but Buck v. Bell has
never been overturned.
State laws permitting sterilization of individuals deemed
unfit to reproduce - most commonly institutionalized persons with mental
illness, or even conditions such as epilepsy - were common in the first half of
the 20th century. According to the USA TODAY, more than 65,000 people were
sterilized under such laws, which were enacted in more than 30 states.
In 2010, Paul Lombardo, a law professor at Georgia State
University took a close look at the plight of Carrie Buck and other women
subject to draconian sterilization regulations. His book, Three Generations, No
Imbeciles: Eugenics, The Supreme Court, and Buck V. Bell revealed that the Buck women were not feeble-minded imbeciles.
Through his research, Lombardo found report cards for Carrie
and her daughter Vivian. Buck had passed each year with “very good” marks.
Vivian had made the honor roll. There was nothing to suggest any mental
deficiency in either of them. Unfortunately, Vivian died at age 8.
It is astonishing that the United State was, not so long
ago, a leader in eugenics. Leading medical professionals, legal scholars and
lawmakers subscribed to a theory that espoused terminating the reproductive
rights of the mentally ill, intellectually disabled or other “undesirables.”
Even more appalling, Holmes, a civil war hero himself, would
in the wake of the horrors of World War I, introduce his argument in support of
sterilization in the following manner, “We have seen more than once that the
public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be
strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the
State for these lesser sacrifices.“
Matthew T. Mangino is of counsel with Luxenberg, Garbett, Kelly & George P.C. His book “The Executioner’s Toll, 2010” was released by McFarland Publishing. You can reach him at and follow him on Twitter at @MatthewTMangino.
Matthew T. Mangino is of counsel with Luxenberg, Garbett, Kelly & George P.C. His book “The Executioner’s Toll, 2010” was released by McFarland Publishing. You can reach him at and follow him on Twitter at @MatthewTMangino.
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