The death penalty is in place today for heinous crimes such as first degree murder, espionage, and potentially other federal crimes. The death penalty was originally used to punish those who wronged another, especially during the time of King Hammurabi, whose code was famously "an eye for an eye". Today, we also use the death penalty as a form of retribution, and to make sure this person can never commit a crime again. While many may argue that the death penalty is inhumane, it is often considered a necessary evil by those who support it.
The death penalty forms way back in the Eighteenth century B.C. by the codes of King Hammurabi. Where he and others believed people should be punished to death if they had done wrong to others. This could be anything from from stealing to murder. While today, the death penalty is preformed to those who do the worst crimes imaginable. The death penalty is the worst sentence someone can get from doing crimes such as first degree murder, terrorism, child sexual abuse, and more. Even though the terms of crimes that need to be committed to receive the death penalty throughout the years has changed, both past and future had the same main purpose. By removing the person so they can never commit a crime again, and bring justice to the family and friends affected by the crime.
Since eighteenth century B.C., the death penalty has been used as a form of punishment for crimes. The death penalty was once a popular sentence for criminals however, today we only see the death sentence given to those involved in first degree murder, espionage and treason. With a general consensus, the death penalty exists because people believe that it is morally right for the most heinous crimes. People feel that if someone intentionally murders another human being, they should not have the right to live after taking some one else's life. In earlier years, it was believed that the type punishment a person should receive should be equal to the crime that they committed. Today, some people still believe that should be the case. Now it is common for someone to receive the death sentence when they are convicted of first degree murder and have a prior criminal history that is worrisome for society. With their prior criminal history that usually involves other felonies, a first degree murder charge usually receives the death sentence (in states that still use it as a form of punishment) because the courts fear that they are a danger to society and will strike again.
speaking from a modern sense, the death penalty is in place for horrific, vicious,traitorous and or disturbing acts of human nature, carried out by criminals, and judged at the state and federal levels. Although not the only option, its nature serves as a form of retribution of sorts,"just deserts" or to incapacitate an individual who's crime is deemed applicable to the many examples above. Although historically it was seen as a common practice. more recently it hasn't aged well with the masses and has seen a decline of those executed from year to year around the world and in the United States (many factors involved such as crime rate). although declining it still serves as a tool to give a sense of justice for anyone harmed or effected locally or at large by those deemed the worst humanity has to offer.
Student Number:5 There is a death penalty because of king Hammurabi. He believed that you should be punished to death if you do wrong to others such as murder, stealing, raping anything in that category. In todays society you can only get the death penalty for committing a first degree murder, rape, child abuse. This was placed to stop that person from committing those crimes ever again.
Student Number: 6 There has been a death penalty for as far back as we can go back in history. Hammurabi said "an eye for an eye." and the concept still stands. The death penalty can only be applied to those who engage, or given fault, for taking the life of another individual. Whethere you take their life physically or figurativley (rape, abuse, etc), a life is gone. With the concept given to us throughout history, it is only right for us to have this enacted. We have put limitations on which the death penalty can be applied, and so it is only in place to help deter people from committing the most heinous crimes.
Student No. 17 From the beginning, there has always had to be a way to keep people in line in society. To do this, a punishment has to be bad enough to discourage the crime. Originally, the easiest way to do this in most cases was either an eye for eye, or death. As society has progressed, we've perfected punishments to be more representative of the crime. However, when it comes to murder, the taking of a life, we have not been able to agree that it is unfair to take the killer's life in return.
Student No. 10 Death penalty laws were established as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon. This code specified 25 different crimes that if committed could be punishable by death. The death penalty has three main purposes as a form of punishment. First, it acts as a deterrent. It serves as a warning to others, therefore, people who are considering committing a crime, may not do so in fear that they will be punished by death. Second, it acts as a means of incapacitation. This means that the individual who committed the crime is no longer able to harm anyone else. Third, the death penalty acts as a form of retribution. This means that the there is justice enacted on the criminal for his/her crimes. This is also known as "just desserts". These are the three main reasons the death penalty was developed and is still used to some parts of the world today.
From the time that Jesus was living the death penalty has been active. The death penalty will always be apart of our society. The death penalty back then was used for the saying an eye for an eye. So if you did something wrong then you were punished for that by getting an equal punishment for your crime. The death penalty is for an individual to bee punished for their crimes so that they cannot ruin someone else's life again. I believe having the death penalty in our society is a must.
The death penalty has been a form of punishment since crime has been punishable. Over time it has become a very controversial topic. The death penalty is a form of punishment for the most serious crimes committed. It is used when the criminal has done something so outrageous that the only way for them to pay for their actions is to be killed. It acts as a deterrent for others and a form of retribution for the victim and the victim's family. It is also used to ensure the safety of society.
Student Number 11: The death penalty exists to punish people who commit crimes such as premeditated murder. In Hammurabi's code, it specified the severe crimes that a person would have to commit before the government could punish them with death. The nature of the crime, though, would suggest that the only form of punishment that was suitable was death, as the code established an "eye for an eye" principle.
Student 18 I believe the death penalty exist as a form of the ultimate punishment for those who have committed the most horrific of crime and feel no remorse for it. People of this belief have really nothing to offer society but pain and suffering that can not benefit anyone and shouldn’t be on this planet anymore. In addition I believe it exists as a final closure for the family of and further victims of the guilty.
The death penalty dates back to 18th century B.C.. It exists because it is a form of revenge from the victim or even, sometimes, others. This is an extremely controversial subject and some people may find it unmoral, while some people think if they are executed, justice is served. Some states still have the death penalty and some don't.
The reasons for the creation and use of the death penalty have shifted and changed throughout its history. In early times, people were put to death for just about any reason you could imagine. They punished people so severely because rulers were trying to deter people from committing crime and also because they believed that some crimes are so terrible that the people who commit them should be put to death. Today in the U.S. there are a very small number of circumstances in which you can be sentenced to death but, the ideology behind why we still have it hasn't really changed. People still believe that it deters crime, it doesn't, and that if you kill someone you should also lose your life. However, many states have banned the death penalty citing it has barbaric and unconstitutional. So, it will be interesting to see if the death penalty is still around in the future.
A little bit of background of the death penalty is that it was made to have someone killed after they have been charged with crimes like murder. The biggest reason why there is a death penalty is that it makes sure that the person or persons that have committed murder will not be able to do it again. Also to prevent criminals from committing crimes in the future. There are also different ways the death penalty, from firing squads to hangings, but the more humane way used today is lethal injections.
The purpose of the death penalty is to give a punishment to crimes that are deserving of a punishment greater than a prison sentence. The death penalty is like saying "an eye for an eye". If you murder someone, you should be killed as your punishment. When the death penalty was first created, it was used for even the smallest crimes. For example, in the 1700s in Britain if you cut down a tree or stole something, you were charged with the death penalty. The death penalty was not used very often at that time because jurors did not believe that minor crimes were punishable by death. In modern America, only a handful of crimes can now be charged the death penalty. Many states have actually removed the death penalty. An argument that is made against the death penalty it that it is a 100% decision for a crime that you cannot always prove 100%.
There is a death penalty because people want a permanent solution. People act out of rage and want to get even. There is great talk about an eye for an eye. If you murder someone, we are going to murder you. There is no reason. People should not be able to make that ultimate decision. You can lock them up, but life and death cannot be chosen by people. We have the death penalty because people feel like we do have that right. I am not really sure why strong proponents of the pro-life movement are also pro-death penalty. Society feels like there must be a final decision that ends the problem.
The death penalty is implemented to punish criminals who have done heinous crimes. The biggest reasoning is to ensure the person who committed the crime will never be able to do anyone else harm. The idea of an eye for an eye is held by many and is another factor added to why the death penalty exists. If you murder someone then you must receive that same punishment.
An analysis of crime and punishment from the perspective of a former prosecutor and current criminal justice practitioner.
The views expressed on this blog are solely those of the author and do not reflect the opinions or postions of any county, state or federal agency.
Student No. 16
The death penalty is in place today for heinous crimes such as first degree murder, espionage, and potentially other federal crimes. The death penalty was originally used to punish those who wronged another, especially during the time of King Hammurabi, whose code was famously "an eye for an eye". Today, we also use the death penalty as a form of retribution, and to make sure this person can never commit a crime again. While many may argue that the death penalty is inhumane, it is often considered a necessary evil by those who support it.
Student No. 7
The death penalty forms way back in the Eighteenth century B.C. by the codes of King Hammurabi. Where he and others believed people should be punished to death if they had done wrong to others. This could be anything from from stealing to murder. While today, the death penalty is preformed to those who do the worst crimes imaginable. The death penalty is the worst sentence someone can get from doing crimes such as first degree murder, terrorism, child sexual abuse, and more. Even though the terms of crimes that need to be committed to receive the death penalty throughout the years has changed, both past and future had the same main purpose. By removing the person so they can never commit a crime again, and bring justice to the family and friends affected by the crime.
Student No. 9
Since eighteenth century B.C., the death penalty has been used as a form of punishment for crimes. The death penalty was once a popular sentence for criminals however, today we only see the death sentence given to those involved in first degree murder, espionage and treason. With a general consensus, the death penalty exists because people believe that it is morally right for the most heinous crimes. People feel that if someone intentionally murders another human being, they should not have the right to live after taking some one else's life. In earlier years, it was believed that the type punishment a person should receive should be equal to the crime that they committed. Today, some people still believe that should be the case. Now it is common for someone to receive the death sentence when they are convicted of first degree murder and have a prior criminal history that is worrisome for society. With their prior criminal history that usually involves other felonies, a first degree murder charge usually receives the death sentence (in states that still use it as a form of punishment) because the courts fear that they are a danger to society and will strike again.
Student No.8
speaking from a modern sense, the death penalty is in place for horrific, vicious,traitorous and or disturbing acts of human nature, carried out by criminals, and judged at the state and federal levels. Although not the only option, its nature serves as a form of retribution of sorts,"just deserts" or to incapacitate an individual who's crime is deemed applicable to the many examples above. Although historically it was seen as a common practice. more recently it hasn't aged well with the masses and has seen a decline of those executed from year to year around the world and in the United States (many factors involved such as crime rate). although declining it still serves as a tool to give a sense of justice for anyone harmed or effected locally or at large by those deemed the worst humanity has to offer.
Student Number:5 There is a death penalty because of king Hammurabi. He believed that you should be punished to death if you do wrong to others such as murder, stealing, raping anything in that category. In todays society you can only get the death penalty for committing a first degree murder, rape, child abuse. This was placed to stop that person from committing those crimes ever again.
Student Number: 6
There has been a death penalty for as far back as we can go back in history. Hammurabi said "an eye for an eye." and the concept still stands. The death penalty can only be applied to those who engage, or given fault, for taking the life of another individual. Whethere you take their life physically or figurativley (rape, abuse, etc), a life is gone. With the concept given to us throughout history, it is only right for us to have this enacted. We have put limitations on which the death penalty can be applied, and so it is only in place to help deter people from committing the most heinous crimes.
Student No. 17
From the beginning, there has always had to be a way to keep people in line in society. To do this, a punishment has to be bad enough to discourage the crime. Originally, the easiest way to do this in most cases was either an eye for eye, or death. As society has progressed, we've perfected punishments to be more representative of the crime. However, when it comes to murder, the taking of a life, we have not been able to agree that it is unfair to take the killer's life in return.
Student No. 10
Death penalty laws were established as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon. This code specified 25 different crimes that if committed could be punishable by death. The death penalty has three main purposes as a form of punishment. First, it acts as a deterrent. It serves as a warning to others, therefore, people who are considering committing a crime, may not do so in fear that they will be punished by death. Second, it acts as a means of incapacitation. This means that the individual who committed the crime is no longer able to harm anyone else. Third, the death penalty acts as a form of retribution. This means that the there is justice enacted on the criminal for his/her crimes. This is also known as "just desserts". These are the three main reasons the death penalty was developed and is still used to some parts of the world today.
Student No. 4
From the time that Jesus was living the death penalty has been active. The death penalty will always be apart of our society. The death penalty back then was used for the saying an eye for an eye. So if you did something wrong then you were punished for that by getting an equal punishment for your crime. The death penalty is for an individual to bee punished for their crimes so that they cannot ruin someone else's life again. I believe having the death penalty in our society is a must.
Student No. 13
The death penalty has been a form of punishment since crime has been punishable. Over time it has become a very controversial topic. The death penalty is a form of punishment for the most serious crimes committed. It is used when the criminal has done something so outrageous that the only way for them to pay for their actions is to be killed. It acts as a deterrent for others and a form of retribution for the victim and the victim's family. It is also used to ensure the safety of society.
Student Number 11:
The death penalty exists to punish people who commit crimes such as premeditated murder. In Hammurabi's code, it specified the severe crimes that a person would have to commit before the government could punish them with death. The nature of the crime, though, would suggest that the only form of punishment that was suitable was death, as the code established an "eye for an eye" principle.
Student 18
I believe the death penalty exist as a form of the ultimate punishment for those who have committed the most horrific of crime and feel no remorse for it. People of this belief have really nothing to offer society but pain and suffering that can not benefit anyone and shouldn’t be on this planet anymore. In addition I believe it exists as a final closure for the family of and further victims of the guilty.
Student 22
The death penalty dates back to 18th century B.C.. It exists because it is a form of revenge from the victim or even, sometimes, others. This is an extremely controversial subject and some people may find it unmoral, while some people think if they are executed, justice is served. Some states still have the death penalty and some don't.
Student 12
The reasons for the creation and use of the death penalty have shifted and changed throughout its history. In early times, people were put to death for just about any reason you could imagine. They punished people so severely because rulers were trying to deter people from committing crime and also because they believed that some crimes are so terrible that the people who commit them should be put to death. Today in the U.S. there are a very small number of circumstances in which you can be sentenced to death but, the ideology behind why we still have it hasn't really changed. People still believe that it deters crime, it doesn't, and that if you kill someone you should also lose your life. However, many states have banned the death penalty citing it has barbaric and unconstitutional. So, it will be interesting to see if the death penalty is still around in the future.
student #14
A little bit of background of the death penalty is that it was made to have someone killed after they have been charged with crimes like murder. The biggest reason why there is a death penalty is that it makes sure that the person or persons that have committed murder will not be able to do it again. Also to prevent criminals from committing crimes in the future. There are also different ways the death penalty, from firing squads to hangings, but the more humane way used today is lethal injections.
Student #21
The purpose of the death penalty is to give a punishment to crimes that are deserving of a punishment greater than a prison sentence. The death penalty is like saying "an eye for an eye". If you murder someone, you should be killed as your punishment. When the death penalty was first created, it was used for even the smallest crimes. For example, in the 1700s in Britain if you cut down a tree or stole something, you were charged with the death penalty. The death penalty was not used very often at that time because jurors did not believe that minor crimes were punishable by death. In modern America, only a handful of crimes can now be charged the death penalty. Many states have actually removed the death penalty. An argument that is made against the death penalty it that it is a 100% decision for a crime that you cannot always prove 100%.
Student #3
There is a death penalty because people want a permanent solution. People act out of rage and want to get even. There is great talk about an eye for an eye. If you murder someone, we are going to murder you. There is no reason. People should not be able to make that ultimate decision. You can lock them up, but life and death cannot be chosen by people. We have the death penalty because people feel like we do have that right. I am not really sure why strong proponents of the pro-life movement are also pro-death penalty. Society feels like there must be a final decision that ends the problem.
Student Number: 2
The death penalty is implemented to punish criminals who have done heinous crimes. The biggest reasoning is to ensure the person who committed the crime will never be able to do anyone else harm. The idea of an eye for an eye is held by many and is another factor added to why the death penalty exists. If you murder someone then you must receive that same punishment.
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