Four city residents with assistance from the NRA, along with
Firearm Owners Against Crime and The Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League, filed
suit last week in Allegheny County Common Pleas Court following Pittsburgh’s
passage of three bills regulating the use of guns within city limits.
They contend the legislation violates Pennsylvania law
prohibiting municipalities from regulating firearms and the constitutional
rights of gun owners.
The NRA lawsuit sought a permanent injunction, which would
prevent Pittsburgh from enforcing the ban after the court cases are settled. On
Wednesday, the NRA filed a court motion for a preliminary injunction.
All three lawsuits ask the court to declare the ban illegal.
Firearm Owners Against Crime and the sportsmen’s league also sought preliminary
The nonprofit gun control organization Everytown for Gun
Safety, founded and funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, is
representing the city in civil court at no charge, according to Pittsburgh
Mayor Bill Peduto.
To read more CLICK HERE
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