Sunday, August 16, 2020

Trump at war with the U.S. Postal Service

The U.S. Postal Service has prompted a full-scale political war in Washington, where President Trump falsely insists that mail-in voting is wracked by fraud and where billions of dollars in emergency aid that could help stem huge losses at the Postal Service are caught in a partisan drama.

Democratic lawmakers have accused the president of sabotaging the Postal Service as a means of voter suppression and have started multiple investigations and demanded an end to delays. Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and other top Democrats in the House have begun discussing bringing lawmakers back early from their summer recess to address the issues with the Postal Service, two people familiar with the talks said on Saturday. On Friday, the postal services’s inspector general said she had opened an inquiry into Mr. DeJoy’s actions.

Branden Boyle, the Philadelphia congressman, for example, said it was no accident that mail service had become so abysmal in the key Democratic population center in Pennsylvania.

“There is no plausible way for Donald Trump or Joe Biden to get to 270 electoral votes without Pennsylvania,” he said.

While Mr. Trump’s war on the Postal Service seems aimed at Democrats, few Americans rely more on the mail than rural residents, many of whom are Trump voters. As a result, there are also a number of Republicans uneasy about what’s happening with the agency, in particular three Republican senators from largely rural mail-dependent states who are facing competitive re-elections this fall: Steve Daines of Montana, Dan Sullivan of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine.

Mr. DeJoy has said he is trying to reform an organization with a “broken business model” facing a litany of billion-dollar losses and declines in mail volumes. Oh, and don't forget an agency that could play a role in defeating a President he has supported with millions of dollars in campaign fund raising.

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