In terms of risk to public safety, juvenile lifers can be considered
low-impact releases. The analyzed data from
174 releases and
as of December
2019, only 3.45 percent (n=6) have been
re-arrested. Four cases were dismissed. The other two cases resulted in
convictions, one for Contempt for Violation of Order of Agreement and one for
Robbery, yielding a reconviction rate of 1.14 percent. The remaining 168 individuals
(96.5 percent) have been living in the community for an average of 21 months (as of
December 2019) without any known law enforcement contacts. In comparison, among
persons convicted of homicide offenses nationally, an estimated 30 percent are
rearrested within two years of release, a rate that is 8.72 times higher than
that of juvenile lifers released in Philadelphia.
To read the full report CLICK HERE
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